I am processing some disillusionment with Church at the moment. I still love many people and of course Jesus, but there are a few things I am mentally wrestling with.

For one, I think I struggle with some of the messaging because I see addiction and recovery as a multi-dimensional challenge; I would say: spiritual, brain science, recovery process, and connection are key ones. And yet in Church I only hear one dimension. And sometimes the way it is communicated, even if unintentionally, is as if there is only one dimension. And it irks me.

Not only that but it saddens me to think that there are probably many out there who struggle, and who are hearing that they just need to “try harder, be more spiritual”. That’s what I thought for many years and it was NOT enough.

Thankfully, I don’t believe it’s down to mere people solely in the end.

Frist published 2025-02-17